Buy online Gedeo products - Vertecchi Rome. 24h Shipping!
23mm Thermoadhesive Border | Gedeo
Alginate For Tracing Jar 500gr | Gedeo
Black Clay Without Firing 1.5 Kg | Gedeo
Chalk Box 1 Kg Resin. | Gedeo
Cristal Resin Ml150 Bio | Gedeo
Crystal Resin 300ml Bio | Gedeo
Discovery Set Assorted Resins | Gedeo
Gloss Varnish Bottle Resin + 110 Ml | Gedeo
Gray Clay Without Firing 1.5 Kg | Gedeo
Latex Ml250 '-Latex'- | Gedeo
Light Plaster Kg1 | Gedeo
Mirror Effect Leaf 12 Sheets 14x14cm Gold | Gedeo
Mirror Effect Leaf 12 Sheets 14x14cm Silver | Gedeo
Plaster Casts (4 Pcs 8cm X 3m) | Gedeo
Precision Chalk Or Hard 1 Kg Box. | Gedeo
Red Clay Without Firing 1.5 Kg | Gedeo
Resin Application Kit | Gedeo
Resin Cristal Kit 150 Ml | Gedeo
Resin Cristal Kit 300 Ml | Gedeo
Resin Cristal Kit 750 Ml | Gedeo
Resin Veil Kit 150 Ml | Gedeo
Resin Veil Kit 300 Ml | Gedeo
Silicone Molds For Resins And Cubic Plasters | Gedeo
Silicone Molds For Resins And Geometric Plasters | Gedeo